Saturday, April 4, 2009

Rainy Day Breakfast

This morning I woke to my second full day of be greeted by RAIN. Now, rain isn't very common in Dubai, so I welcome a nice exciting change of weather. Any change from the usual (BORING!) sunny blue Dubai skies reminds me in the slightest way of Boston and New England, which is good because I miss Boston! I know it's strange to actually ENJOY crummy rainy weather when in Boston I'd be complaining about it, but things change when you move to the other side of the world.Like I said, it was raining, and rain always makes me think warm, cozy, comforting food like soup and hot chocolate. I wasn't exactly eager to have soup at 9 in the morning, so I decided on oatmeal, especially because the bunch of bananas sitting in the fruit bowl were at that perfect ripe-but-not-too-mushy-yet-still-sweet-and-tasty stage. Topped with a drizzle of honey to add a bit more sweetness, my oatmeal (nuked to exactly how I like it: moist but not the least bit gummy) was ready to be devoured.

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